Diary Entry

February 13, 2024

Everyone is trying to grab eachothers attention. It's the rat race, the race to get ahead. Everyone wants to succeed, to achieve their dreams. Where do I stand in all of this?

I would like to think my success would be one that promotes good values, good practises that help each individual. Am I using spirituality to sell my art?

What about Blake? If I am to make Art, why not bring spiritual comfort to those who have chosen the path of truth. Who am I really?

This is the ocean of illusion, people clinging onto illusions and sharing them. Yet I have my own illusions, I watch too much football, I waste time on social media. Why?

Is it because I don't know my own worth or is it a simple means to kill time now. Each habit grows and becomes another layer between me and the spirit. Sometimes I think all of this, the entertainment, sport, relationships, are all just a means to distract people from their true nature. The sad part is I know who I am, yet I get caught up in this too.

Only in meditation can you grow, only with complete sincerity, complete dedication, complete humility can you throw away all these useless layers that distract you from your true nature. Yet I know that if I am to succeed, this is the road I must take. I know that my journey is not just mine, but everyone's, to show how to overcome these addictions you must first overcome them within yourself. In the same way the Buddha overcome the ego, he who was born as royalty, to ascend the throne as a king, the most highly placed person, he gave it all up for his realisation. What an example. Nowadays the attack is very subtle and it knows how to pierce your armour which is already weakened by your mistakes. Yet you must go on and strengthen yourself. Become what you are. 

About the author

Prasad Beaven

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